William Hu


Co-founder & CTO, Acusense Biomedical Technology Corp.

CEO & Data Scientist, GENEJET Biomedical Technology Corp.

AI Lecturer, The City University of New York

Anna Tung

Co-Founder & CTO

Co-founder & CTO, DentX Medtech

M.S. Biomedical Electronics & Bioinformatics, NTU.

Data Scientist, Texas Instruments


Wen S. Jheng

Chief of Staff / Executive Director

Director, Massachusetts Laboratory for Engineering Medicine

Fellow Chartered Chemist, Royal Society of Chemistry

Consultant, Buddist Tzuchi General Hospital








Kuang-Tsu Yang

Medical Consultant & Convener

Doctor of Medicine, NTU

TPMI Member, National Health Research Institutes

Associate Professor, Southwestern Allied University, Chicago





Alvin Liu


Associate Director, Megaforce Medical 

Data Scientist, AiCare

LEAP program fellow, IBM Almaden Research Center

Stanford-Taiwan Biomedical fellow, Stanford University  

James Fu

Consultant & Convener

Chief Science Officer, Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical(Group)Co., Ltd

Ph.D , UC Berkeley College of Engineering

Postdoctoral Researcher, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

Harry Hsu

Consultant & Convener

Founder, Hashgreen (Blockchain Innovation) Inc.

M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT

B.S in Physics & B.S.E. in Electrical Engineering, NTU

Ming Gatsby


Senior AI Engineer, Zeppelin

Senior Developer, NVIDIA Forums

Senior Competitor and Notebooks Expert, Kaggle


3D Printing Convener

Founder, Kaohsiung Maker Lab

Medical 3D Printing  Lecturer, National Defense Medical Center

Instructor, NTU 3D Hackathon